The galaxy is ruled by a tyrannical dictator, a Sith Lord named Darth Krayt.
The Legacy Era begins over 130 years after the Battle of Yavin. Times have never been grimmer than they are under Darth Krayt's Empire, and yet the opportunities for heroes to make a difference have never been more prevalent. However, in the future of the Star Wars galaxy, the Empire is openly ruled by a Sith Lord and his dark minions, The Jedi have once again been hunted nearly to extinction, and the heir to the Skywalker name is a Deathstick-using bounty hunter who rejects The Force and everything associated with it. Indeed, The Legacy Era is rife with the same tyranny, oppression, violence, and danger that flourished under Palpatine's rule. Obi-Wan Kenobi once called the period between the fall of the Republic and the rise of the Empire ' The Dark Times.' Had he foreseen The Legacy Era, he might have called the period defined by Palpatine's rise to power something else.
Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Legacy Era Campaign Guide